ITE art is Finnish visual contemporary folk art.

The concept of ITE art comes from Finnish phrase “Itse Tehty Elämä” that translates a self-made life.

ITE art

ITE art is Finnish visual contemporary folk art. The concept of ITE art comes from Finnish phrase “Itse Tehty Elämä” that translates a self-made life. Finnish ITE art is very original and ingenious.

Finnish visual folk art has similarities with the international concepts Art Brut and Outsider Art, but they should not be confused. Contemporary folk art means living fully with one’s own environment. Outsider Art, on the other hand, is often a result of an impoverished environment, such as being exposed to an institutional environment.

Finnish visual contemporary folk art is officially known as ITE art and it is a part of the international Outsider Art field.

ITE artists

ITE artists work outside of the official art world, and they present their artwork in their own everyday environment. ITE artists are self-taught, and they don’t have a formal art education. The art of ITE artists is art that binds to their own living environment, cultural background and world of experience.

Visit ITE

Mitä ITE-taide on ja mitä se voi tarjota matkailijalle? Elämysmatkailun suosio ympäri maailman on kasvava trendi. Yhä useampi matkailija on kiinnostunut elämyksistä ja paikallisesta tavasta elää. Suomalainen ITE-taide on omaperäistä ja kekseliästä. ITE-taiteilijoiden usein omaan pihapiiriin rakentamat teosympäristöt ovat huikeita ja tarjoavat mieleenpainuvan kokemuksen matkailijalle. Suomessa on useita ITE-kohteita, joihin pääsee vierailemaan sovitusti tai aukioloaikojen puitteissa. Middle of Nowhere sivustolla esitellään vierailtavia ITE-kohteita. Meidän omassa ITE-taidepuistossa pääsee lisäksi tutustumaan useiden eri taiteilijoiden teoksiin ja installaatioihin.
ITE art 1998-2023

ITE art in Finland

The roots of Finnish ITE art go back to 1998, when the Finnish Association for Rural Culture and Education started to survey contemporary Finnish folk art. Finnish visual folk art and creativity didn’t have a well-established name or definition before this project began.

As a result of the exhibition and publishing activities as well as active communication organized by the Association for Rural Culture and Education, the concept ITE art quickly began to spread to the consciousness of the public and the art world.

Finnish visual folk art has similarities with the international concepts Art Brut and Outsider Art, but they should not be confused. Contemporary folk art means living fully with one’s own environment. Outsider Art, on the other hand, is often a result of an impoverished environment, such as being exposed to an institutional environment.

Finnish visual contemporary folk art is officially known as ITE art and it is a part of the international Outsider Art field.

Visit the Association for Rural Culture and Education’s website for more information about ITE art.

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